Power of the power, brutality and the mutilation of the women an end

Centre of the Kurdish women in Cologne

Open letter to the following personalities, organizations of human rights and all the others which it concerns

Worldwide there are approx. 150 millions circumcising girls and women. It is cruel and this ritual to which yearly about 2 million girls and women fall victim is carried out in the 21-st century still in many Islamic lands and in Africa. In Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Yemen, Somali, Kenya … there are about 90% and in Kurdistan 60% of the girls and women in a cruel way are mutilated.

Mutilation has consequences for the sexuality, like one sexual intercourse, extremely dangerous complications for mother and child in the birth, bleeding, inflammations and depressions are also lifelong companions.

Every day 6000 girls, every year 2 million girls and women in this barbarian and medieval kind are mutilated and in every second the dignity of the women is touched.

Circumcise seem repeatedly in all corners of our today’s world. A society which plays down this practice or suffers tacitly; comes along jointly guilty in the death and grief of countless girls and women. Therefore, we ask them very much, honored and high-powered personalities and organizations of human rights of the world to exercise pressure on the authorities in the affected lands and to push them to the action; instead of filing only lip-services. They must seriously go forward, decided and immediately against this practice worldwide.

We ask European and western states to provide developing money for clarification projects in the affected lands and to limit government support to the lands which support even today circumcise and undertake nothing against it.

Centre of the Kurdish women in Cologne

Cologne, 28/01/2009

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