Letter in reply of Ms. Leu Agosti on our open letter from 21 September 2008

– Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft
– Swiss Confederation

– Eidgenössisches Departement für auswärtige Angelegenheiten EDA
– Confederate Ministry of Foreign Affairs

– Politische Direktion PD / Political Department
– Political Department II, Africa, The Middle East

CH-3003 Bern, EDA

International Network of Solidarity
with the Iranian Women’s Movement


Bern, October 30th, 2008

Dear Ladies,

Thank you for [your letter->https://www.iran-women-solidarity.net/?p=600] of September 23rd, 2008, referring to Iran. I have taken note of your concern and apprehension.

For many years the Confederate Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Eidgenössisches Departement für auswärtige Angelegenheiten) has supported the cause of strengthening the rights of women all over the world. Gender has been a transversal topic at the Department of Development and Cooperation (Direktion Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit, DEZA), and has consistently been promoted in all development programmes. It is the aim of DEZA to promote gender equality in the cooperative partner countries, while taking into account their specific sociocultural circumstances. Thereby the support of local organizations that are promoting gender equality plays a central role. In addition to that, the Political Department IV champions the respect for human rights on a bilateral as well as multilateral level. It also works on this topic within the framework of the human rights dialogues, particularly with Iran.

I think that my appointment as ambassador in Iran is a sign of equal rights. To hold a responsible position in a country where women are subjected to certain restrictions is a mark of confidence in the abilities of women.

Of course I understand very well that you take offence at the dictate of dress code in Iran. Seen from a nondiscriminatory viewpoint it is in deed questionable that covering your hair in public applies to women only. All diplomats in the world are nevertheless obliged to observe the existing legal regulations in their country of residence. The same holds true for me and therefore I will be bound by law to cover my head in public.

The Confederate Ministry of Foreign Affairs will continue working for the cause of strengthening the position of women all over the world.

Yours sincerely,

Political Department II, Africa, The Middle East

Livia Leu Agosti
Head of Department

Politische Direktion PD

otschafterin Livia Leu Agosti

Bundeshaus West, 3003 Bern

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