Arrest of Eight Women’s Rights Activists on the Anniversary of the National Day of Solidarity of Iranian Women (June 12)

[Change for Equality:->] June 12, 2008; Eight women’s rights activists were arrested today, on the anniversary of the national day of solidarity of Iranian women (22nd of Khordaad, June 12). Those arrested are: Aida Saadat, Nahid Mirhaj, Nafiseh Azad, Nasrin Sotoodeh, Jelve Javaheri, Jila Baniyagoub, Sarah Loghmani and Farideh Ghaeb. These women were arrested outside the Rahe Abrisham Gallery, where a seminar was scheduled to take place in honor of the anniversary of the day of solidarity of Iranian women.

When women’s rights activists arrived at the Seminar hall, they found the doors closed. Security officers were present in large numbers outside the Seminar Hall. The owner of the Gallery was forced to close the doors of his seminar hall, after being pressured by security forces.

Aida Saadat and Nahid Mirhaj had stayed behind to inform participants about the cancellation of the seminar. But they were arrested by security police. Following their arrest, Nasrin Sotoode and Jilla Baniyaghoub were arrested when they came to follow up on the situation arrest of their friends. According to those present at the scene, Nafiseh Azad, Sarah Loghmani, Jelve Javaheri and Farideh Ghaeb were arrested shortly afterwards.

According to a statement issued by the coordinating committee of the seminar, officials have systematically denied women’s rights activists permits to hold peaceful public demonstration and protests. Even small protests by women’s rights activists have been violently attacked by security forces and police. Additionally, women’s rights activists have been systematically denied the right to convene meetings and seminars and meetings in their private homes too have been broken up. It is unfortunate that security forces fear the convening of simple meetings with limited participants of about 100-150 to such a degree.

Please stay tuned for further news on these arrests, as well as information on potential other arrests.

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