The Latest on Imprisoned Iranian Women Activists

Feminist School: Unfortunately, although near five months have passed since the elections ,detainment of prisoners still continues , last month Hangameh Shahidi was released on bail only after months of imprisonment and Vahideh Molavi , Raheleh Asgarizadeh and Somayeh Rashidi who had been arrested on Nov.4th were released on third party guaranty .

Negar Sayeh is Still in Solitary Confinement

Negar Sayeh , journalist and in charge of Mousavi’s youth election headquarters in district no. 19 , was arrested on the last days of November . She is still kept in solitary confinement ,according to her mother has been allowed to call home only once , while they were allowed to meet her in prison once as well .

Negar’s family visited the public prosecutor yesterday and conveyed their objection against her imprisonment and the unclear state of her file, The prosecutor’s reply was “she has personal weblog and she has written statements and several topics against the state” the family did submit their request to visit her in prison.

Saeed Qoreyshi , Negar Sayeh’s Husband, who had been arrested in Shahabeddin Tabatabayi’s home during a Komeil praying ceremony ,was transferred to ward no 209 of Evin prison with other detainees like Ashkan Mojallali , Mohamd Hussein Khorvash and Mojtaba Hussein khani after spending 2 weeks in public ward of Evin prison.

Mahboubeh Haghighi and Mahdiyeh Minavi have been in Prison since Oct. 22nd ,2009

Mahdiyeh Minavi and Mahboubeh Haghighi, two members of Islamic Iran Participation Front, were arrested in the Komeyl prayer ceremony on Oct 22, along with 60 other participants.

Most of the detainees were released gradually, but they along with 10 others remain in prison .

Azar Mansouri was Transferred to Public Ward of Evin Prison after 50 Days

Azar Mansouri , an engineer and political deputy of Participation Front , was transferred to public ward of Evin prison after spending about 2 months in solitary confinement .

She had been arrested on August 22nd in Varamin. Her home was searched and the next day she was transferred to Tehran Evin prison ward no.209 .

Her nephew who had been arrested with her was released after one day .

More than 110 Days have Passed since Kobra Zaghehdoust and her Husband’s Arrest

Kobra Zhaghedoust and her husband Mostafa Eskandari were arrested on July 31st in Behesht e Zahra cemetery during a ceremony in honor of martyrs of post electoral events. They were both transferred to Evin prison, ward no. 209. They have been interrogated only a few times , and their situation remains unclear, despite the fact that they have been in prison for the last four months.

Their families met with them in prison after 80 days of their arrest, and they have not allowed been to call home. Mostafa Eskandari is kept in solitary confinement in ward no. 240 and Kobra Zaghedoust is in ward no.209. They have no record of political activities and they didn’t participate in any demonstrations.

Atefeh Nabavi’s Court was Held on Nov.11th

Atefeh Nabavi was arrested on June 15th – at her friend’s home and along with 7 others – after the massive demonstration in Tehran . No arrest warrant was provided. The first session of her court was held on Nov.11th after 5 months of her arrest in branch No.12 of the Tehran Revolutionary Court .

She was accused of enmity against God (” warring God”) in the form of cooperation with the Mujaheddin Khalgh Oganization . The judge stated that the sentence for this charge is anywhere between 5 years of imprisonment and execution .She spent 95 days in ward No.209 and was then transferred to general and methadone ward.

Nafiseh Zare Kohan Called Home

Nafise Zare Kohan , journalist , was arrested on Nov. 4th .

She called home some hours after her arrest but she didn’t know where she was being detained.

Hojat Sharifi , Nafiseh Zare’s husband, is in the same predicament; he also called home and yet is unaware of the whereabouts of he location he has been transferred to.

Nullification of Prison Visits and Phone Calls for Women Prisoners

All visits and phone contacts have been cancelled for women political prisoners. This was a reprisal against the prisoners who decided not to use their forced fresh air break. Fresh air break at 6 in the morning is a must in women’s prison, whilst women who were sick and refused to go out in to the cold air, it was retaliated by the warden of the Evin prison and has cancelled all visits.

Prisoners such as Shabnam Madadzadeh, Mahsa Naderi , Atefeh Nabavi , Fatemeh Ziaee Azad and Nazila Dashti are kept in this ward.

Shabnam Madadzadeh has been in Prison since 9 Months ago

Shabnam Madadzadeh , member of Islamic Association and deputy general secretary of Tahkim Vahdat (a student organization) , was arrested on Feb.22nd , along with her brother Farzad Madadzadeh.

She is accused of propaganda against the state and enmity with God ( warring God). Her court will be held on Dec.5th ,2009.

Tayebeh Nabavi was Sentenced to 3 Years of Imprisonment and one Year of a Further Suspended Sentence

The revolutionary court of Seman sentenced Tayebeh Nabavi to 3 years of imprisonment with a further 1 year suspended sentence . Two months ago intelligence officials arrested her and she was transferred to prison . She has been kept there under pressure going through numerous onterrogations.

She has spent some weeks in solitary confinement and was not allowed to meet her 3 year old child and her family . All her interrogations were accompanied by physical and mental torture . she is still in women’s ward of Semnan prison .

Unclear State of Monireh Rabiee’s Situation

Monireh Rabiee, a Chemical Engineer , who had gone to the Revolutionary Court on Oct. 7th following a summons, was arrested without any clear reason .She is now kept in solitary confinement in Evin prison ward No.209. The 32 year old Monireh has no previous political record . She was accused of having “relations with Mujahedin”. This is becoming a very common charge as most of the political detainees are being accused of such an alleged connection.

Fariba Pajouh with Heart Disease in Prison

The prison doctors have prescribed Fariba with medicine known as Zanax . The doctor believes that disease has been contracted in prison during the 80 days of her imprisonment. Fariba has been to court and is back in prison and also still under pressure . Fariba has not been allowed visitors or phone calls and she has also been attacked by the prison warden. She is in grave danger and her prison doctor keeps insisting that she should be provided with the needed medication.

Fariba Pajouh , reformist Journalist and blogger, has been arrested for more than 80 days, it has been reported that she is under very aggressive interrogation and is being pressed to admit to her immoral behaviour. A reliable source has reported that they are trying to make her admit to have had sexual intercourse, the source also adds that she has been threatened with hanging many times.

Zahra Jabbari has been arrested in Qods day

Zahra Jabbari was arrested on Qods day (September 18th) and transferred to Evin prison where she has remained since .

Take Action:

Sign the petition of one million signatures to end discriminatory laws against women.


Sign petition (for support of Campaign for One Million Signatures)

Sign the petition (for release of women’s rights activists)

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